Son of Jason Clapp
Born on May 1, 1809 in Pittsfield, Ma.
Died July 27, 1884
Married Emily Peck on June 26,1834.
Emily died on April 13,1840
Emily was the daughter of Jabez and Alice Peck.
Second wife: Mary Martin, married on December 30,1851
Born in Pittsfield on July 30 1818
Died on November 4, 1901
Daughter of Calvin and Mary Martin
Father was the first president of the Pittsfield Cemetery
The daughter Mary Clapp donated the chapel at the Pittsfield Cemetery in memory of her father. Mr. Clapp was a partner with his father Jason in the carriage business.
Was a successful business man and prominent in public affairs
He was the President of the Pittsfield Cemetery after his father-in-lawWas a director of the Agricultural National Bank
Director of the Berkshire County Savings Bank
Director of Pittsfield Coal Gas Company (Now Berkshire Gas)
Trustee of the Berkshire Anthenaeum
Had three children by the first marriage and two by the second